Thursday, June 9, 2011


It has been quite some time since I last posted anything, but in April I finished nursing school and this past week passed boards. I'm a nurse! :) Traditional nursing ceremonies involve a pinning ceremony, and I was so thankful to have my wonderful hubby pin me (even though he was in the middle of busy season!!). There is no way I could have gotten through the many hours studying and clinical rotations without him. I was so encouraged by friends and family that attended (or sent their wishes if they couldn't).

My sister and me showing off the cool quilts my mom made:

A Nurse's Prayer
Give to my heart, Lord…
compassion and understanding.
Give to my hands,
skill and tenderness.
Give to my ears
the ability to listen.
Give to my lips
words of comfort.
Give to me, Lord…
strength for this selfless service
and enable me to give hope
to those I am called to serve.